When lightning strikes, it is critical that runway and airfield repairs are dealt with immediately. We developed and deployed our lightning detector in response to this challenge by operators. Reconfigurable for port operations.
The software provides an alert, and a visual recording, of the lightning event. The User can retrieve the short video clip to view and evaluate whether to proceed with further actions. If the event is non-significant, the User can decide to waive the inspection procedures normally associated with a post-lightning condition. With this software to facilitate the decision, the User can avoid activation of resources for unnecessary inspections, thereby freeing the resources for other productive deployment.
This solution is superior in capturing lightning events compared to a human observer. To a human observer, lightning happens too fast for processing whether any object within the area of interest was struck. However, this solution captures the lightning event over several frames of images for processing an alert message and holds a visual record of the strike. The ability to identify an actual strike on ground within the area of interest contributes to a safer operation because damage assessment resources can be quickly directed to the location concerned.